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Family friendly, cooperative gaming for everyone, with a positive life message.

Adventures is a unique multiplayer game about teamwork and being nice! Play solo or with friends and family. Fight monsters. Find treasure. Compliment each other! Give emotional support! Succeed by being nice to each other as you take a team of adventurers through procedural dungeons with affirming gameplay that gently encourages positive real-world behaviour in this family friendly, all-ages, pro-mental/emotional/social health dungeon crawler.

fun for everyone

Adventures is super simple to play, so even the very young can join in. Play with your family and friends across PC and mobile devices using cooperation and teamwork, or challenge yourself in solo play as you take control of up to four adventurers.

positive life messaging

In a world judging us on our beauty, intelligence, and athleticism, Adventures' unique emotional-health game mechanic gently teaches the importance of a caring attitude, building positive relationships, the value of being nice, and the damaging impact of bullying.

incredible depth

Taking game design to a new level, Adventures is built around a truly flexible core. Procedural dungeons each provide varied challenges. Find the perfect adventuring team of customisable characters with unique, user-created skills to beat each dungeon.

in depth

cooperative gaming

Where many 'cooperative' games involve little more than independently hitting things at the same time, true cooperation means gameplay reliant on others, ideally communicating what people are doing and trying to do, calling on each other for help, or giving instructions. Adventures requires actual coop as each character has limited skills and abilities; you'll need each other to succeed.

morale system

Plenty of kids at school want to be smart or beautiful or athletic, but none value being nice. Adventures is a game where choosing to be nice is an option for players because they see the power in it. With the morale system, Adventurers get demoralised by in-game events, and they need encouragement and support from the other players to cheer up and even get moral bonuses. Just like real life, being a good friend makes those around you stronger and the party cannot win without nice characters boosting them.

family friendly

Though not designed exclusively for very young children, supporting them and family play has factored into every design choice. The interface is kept very simple and there's focus on specific fun cooperative interactions. eg. the parent can freeze a monster with a spell enabling their child to 'squash it' with a tap.

a game for everyone

Adventures is not just a 'kids game' but scales to every player. A very clever piece of design and procedural creation allows the gamers to choose the experience at the difficulty level they want. A dungeon can be created for one or two players, or ramped up for a single player to tackle with a complete party of four diverse characters. At it's most difficult, Adventures in solo play is a complex party-based real-time strategy needing fast decision making and team control. And then you could have a friend or family member jump in via network play to help out.

unique loot and skills ideas

Loot and levelling are taken their next evolution with user-created skills and equipment. Instead of choosing from a set of predetermined character or class abilities, the player discovers and explores their own abilities. No two characters will be the same; no party will play the same. Show of your creations when you take your adventurer's into friends' games.

environmental gameplay

Lots of options for environmental interactions mean more gameplay variety beyond basic weapon attacks and direct skill. Charge a unicorn  with happiness to fire a devastating rainbow ray. Lead a creature into a spike trap. Grab an enemy spawn egg and throw it among rivals. Procedural challenges and objectives


Adventures has a working multiplayer alpha that families have been testing. Development of the single player aspect, to flesh out that experience, is necessary to provide an Early Access worthy of people's buying. Crowd-funding or other investment is needed to finish Adventures' initial release and get it into the hands of the players! Sign up below to keep tabs on development and learn how you can support and play Adventures at the earliest opportunity.

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