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Daily blog - PR is like thick mud

Lots of PRing today. Plenty of tweets, though not as much excitement as I'd have hoped for from my trailer. C'mon people! We're talking proper games on a touch screen! That's awesome, right? Or do you really want to play TapRelentless and Clash of IAPs?

Discovered a few websites I need to attack. 'Adopt My Game' aims to link developers up with Business. Don't know how successful it is. Tried to fill it in but the word limit is bugged, and those character counts lie.

Wrestling with character limits at AdoptMyGame

Bugs! Even when not mine in my code, they are my scourge! Heck, even my car is bugged - immobiliser packed in and won't let me drive it. 'Now Loading' looks like a shared blog for gaming articles. And of course 'MadeWithUnity'. Still have some actual code to implement too. You know, making the game. Need to get Twitter posts working in Android. Guess what? Bugged!

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