Some company is after my name!
Just received a mail from Apple that a company, Nexon, feels I have infringed their trademark and am unfairly blocking their game on the...
Daily blog - why the dev community is awesome (and why the bugs don't care)
I don't think it'd be possible to be an Indie dev nowadays without a community of other devs offering advice and support. The...
Daily blog - some days are like that
Imagining I'd have a lovely new lighting model perfected after yesterday, that hasn't happened. Firstly, my car refuses to die a quiet...
Daily blog - lighting system nearly done
It's taken quite a bit more work than I expected thanks to the peculiarities of render textures and alpha blending, but the mechanics of...
Daily blog - breakthrough in new art!
It may not look like much, but I'm ending the day with a successful prototype! This is showing one camera drawing some transparent...
Creating Unity lens-flares in 2D
If you haven't got great art, then use great lighting to make a good looking game! The addition of a reactive lens flare can add a lot to...
Daily blog - another bust
Another day notably wiped out by ongoing car troubles, as the garage that was going to fix it decided they couldn't be confident of their...
Daily blog - another lost day
After a scary bill to fix my car, today was spent mostly propping up my day-job. No progress on novaWARS. :( Also, I've been struggling...
Daily blog - car troubles trash development :(
Ouch. My car, which was 'fixed' yesterday, conked out in the middle of the road this morning. That wiped out some hours I should have...
Daily blog - maths is good, even if you hate it.
The new test build is in the hands of testers and "Project Beautification" has a start. Thankfully the internet has a wealth of freely...